
大约 4 分钟


function msfuntmpl(block)
%MSFUNTMPL A Template for a MATLAB S-Function
%   The MATLAB S-function is written as a MATLAB function with the
%   same name as the S-function. Replace 'msfuntmpl' with the name
%   of your S-function.  

%   Copyright 2003-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
% The setup method is used to setup the basic attributes of the
% S-function such as ports, parameters, etc. Do not add any other
% calls to the main body of the function.  

% Function: setup ===================================================
% Abstract:
%   Set up the S-function block's basic characteristics such as:
%   - Input ports
%   - Output ports
%   - Dialog parameters
%   - Options
%   Required         : Yes
%   C MEX counterpart: mdlInitializeSizes
function setup(block)

  % Register the number of ports.
  block.NumInputPorts  = 1;
  block.NumOutputPorts = 1;
  % Set up the port properties to be inherited or dynamic.

  % Override the input port properties.
  block.InputPort(1).DatatypeID  = 0;  % double
  block.InputPort(1).Complexity  = 'Real';
  % Override the output port properties.
  block.OutputPort(1).DatatypeID  = 0; % double
  block.OutputPort(1).Complexity  = 'Real';

  % Register the parameters.
  block.NumDialogPrms     = 3;
  block.DialogPrmsTunable = {'Tunable','Nontunable','SimOnlyTunable'};
  % Set up the continuous states.
  block.NumContStates = 1;

  % Register the sample times.
  %  [0 offset]            : Continuous sample time
  %  [positive_num offset] : Discrete sample time
  %  [-1, 0]               : Inherited sample time
  %  [-2, 0]               : Variable sample time
  block.SampleTimes = [0 0];
  % -----------------------------------------------------------
  % Options
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % Specify if Accelerator should use TLC or call back to the 
  % MATLAB file
  % Specify the block's operating point compliance. The block operating 
  % point is used during the containing model's operating point save/restore)
  % The allowed values are:
  %   'Default' : Same the block's operating point as of a built-in block
  %   'UseEmpty': No data to save/restore in the block operating point
  %   'Custom'  : Has custom methods for operating point save/restore
  %                 (see GetOperatingPoint/SetOperatingPoint below)
  %   'Disallow': Error out when saving or restoring the block operating point.
  block.OperatingPointCompliance = 'Default';
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % The MATLAB S-function uses an internal registry for all
  % block methods. You should register all relevant methods
  % (optional and required) as illustrated below. You may choose
  % any suitable name for the methods and implement these methods
  % as local functions within the same file.
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % Register the methods called during update diagram/compilation.
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % CheckParameters:
  %   Functionality    : Called in order to allow validation of the
  %                      block dialog parameters. You are 
  %                      responsible for calling this method
  %                      explicitly at the start of the setup method.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlCheckParameters
  block.RegBlockMethod('CheckParameters', @CheckPrms);

  % SetInputPortSamplingMode:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set input and output port 
  %                      attributes and specify whether the port is operating 
  %                      in sample-based or frame-based mode
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetInputPortFrameData.
  %   (The DSP System Toolbox is required to set a port as frame-based)
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortSamplingMode', @SetInpPortFrameData);
  % SetInputPortDimensions:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the input and optionally the output
  %                      port dimensions.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetInputPortDimensionInfo
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortDimensions', @SetInpPortDims);

  % SetOutputPortDimensions:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the output and optionally the input
  %                      port dimensions.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetOutputPortDimensionInfo
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetOutputPortDimensions', @SetOutPortDims);
  % SetInputPortDatatype:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the input and optionally the output
  %                      port datatypes.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetInputPortDataType
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortDataType', @SetInpPortDataType);
  % SetOutputPortDatatype:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the output and optionally the input
  %                      port datatypes.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetOutputPortDataType
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetOutputPortDataType', @SetOutPortDataType);
  % SetInputPortComplexSignal:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the input and optionally the output
  %                      port complexity attributes.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetInputPortComplexSignal
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortComplexSignal', @SetInpPortComplexSig);
  % SetOutputPortComplexSignal:
  %   Functionality    : Check and set the output and optionally the input
  %                      port complexity attributes.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetOutputPortComplexSignal
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetOutputPortComplexSignal', @SetOutPortComplexSig);
  % PostPropagationSetup:
  %   Functionality    : Set up the work areas and the state variables. You can
  %                      also register run-time methods here.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetWorkWidths
  block.RegBlockMethod('PostPropagationSetup', @DoPostPropSetup);

  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % Register methods called at run-time
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % ProcessParameters:
  %   Functionality    : Call to allow an update of run-time parameters.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlProcessParameters
  block.RegBlockMethod('ProcessParameters', @ProcessPrms);

  % InitializeConditions:
  %   Functionality    : Call to initialize the state and the work
  %                      area values.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlInitializeConditions
  block.RegBlockMethod('InitializeConditions', @InitializeConditions);
  % Start:
  %   Functionality    : Call to initialize the state and the work
  %                      area values.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlStart
  block.RegBlockMethod('Start', @Start);

  % Outputs:
  %   Functionality    : Call to generate the block outputs during a
  %                      simulation step.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlOutputs
  block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', @Outputs);

  % Update:
  %   Functionality    : Call to update the discrete states
  %                      during a simulation step.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlUpdate
  block.RegBlockMethod('Update', @Update);

  % Derivatives:
  %   Functionality    : Call to update the derivatives of the
  %                      continuous states during a simulation step.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlDerivatives
  block.RegBlockMethod('Derivatives', @Derivatives);
  % Projection:
  %   Functionality    : Call to update the projections during a
  %                      simulation step.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlProjections
  block.RegBlockMethod('Projection', @Projection);
  % SimStatusChange:
  %   Functionality    : Call when simulation enters pause mode
  %                      or leaves pause mode.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSimStatusChange
  block.RegBlockMethod('SimStatusChange', @SimStatusChange);
  % Terminate:
  %   Functionality    : Call at the end of a simulation for cleanup.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlTerminate
  block.RegBlockMethod('Terminate', @Terminate);

  % GetOperatingPoint:
  %   Functionality    : Return the operating point of the block.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlGetOperatingPoint
  block.RegBlockMethod('GetOperatingPoint', @GetOperatingPoint);
  % SetOperatingPoint:
  %   Functionality    : Set the operating point data of the block using
  %                       from the given value.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlSetOperatingPoint
  block.RegBlockMethod('SetOperatingPoint', @SetOperatingPoint);

  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % Register the methods called during code generation.
  % -----------------------------------------------------------------
  % WriteRTW:
  %   Functionality    : Write specific information to model.rtw file.
  %   C MEX counterpart: mdlRTW
  block.RegBlockMethod('WriteRTW', @WriteRTW);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% The local functions below are provided to illustrate how you may implement
% the various block methods listed above.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------

function CheckPrms(block)
  a = block.DialogPrm(1).Data;
  if ~isa(a, 'double')
    me = MSLException(block.BlockHandle, message('Simulink:blocks:invalidParameter'));

function ProcessPrms(block)


function SetInpPortFrameData(block, idx, fd)
  block.InputPort(idx).SamplingMode = fd;
  block.OutputPort(1).SamplingMode  = fd;

function SetInpPortDims(block, idx, di)
  block.InputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
  block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions  = di;


function SetOutPortDims(block, idx, di)
  block.OutputPort(idx).Dimensions = di;
  block.InputPort(1).Dimensions    = di;


function SetInpPortDataType(block, idx, dt)
  block.InputPort(idx).DataTypeID = dt;
  block.OutputPort(1).DataTypeID  = dt;

function SetOutPortDataType(block, idx, dt)

  block.OutputPort(idx).DataTypeID  = dt;
  block.InputPort(1).DataTypeID     = dt;


function SetInpPortComplexSig(block, idx, c)
  block.InputPort(idx).Complexity = c;
  block.OutputPort(1).Complexity  = c;

function SetOutPortComplexSig(block, idx, c)

  block.OutputPort(idx).Complexity = c;
  block.InputPort(1).Complexity    = c;

function DoPostPropSetup(block)
  block.NumDworks = 2;
  block.Dwork(1).Name            = 'x1';
  block.Dwork(1).Dimensions      = 1;
  block.Dwork(1).DatatypeID      = 0;      % double
  block.Dwork(1).Complexity      = 'Real'; % real
  block.Dwork(1).UsedAsDiscState = true;
  block.Dwork(2).Name            = 'numPause';
  block.Dwork(2).Dimensions      = 1;
  block.Dwork(2).DatatypeID      = 7;      % uint32
  block.Dwork(2).Complexity      = 'Real'; % real
  block.Dwork(2).UsedAsDiscState = true;
  % Register all tunable parameters as runtime parameters.


function InitializeConditions(block)

block.ContStates.Data = 1;


function Start(block)

  block.Dwork(1).Data = 0;
  block.Dwork(2).Data = uint32(1); 

function WriteRTW(block)
   block.WriteRTWParam('matrix', 'M',    [1 2; 3 4]);
   block.WriteRTWParam('string', 'Mode', 'Auto');

function Outputs(block)
  block.OutputPort(1).Data = block.Dwork(1).Data + block.InputPort(1).Data;

function Update(block)
  block.Dwork(1).Data = block.InputPort(1).Data;

function Derivatives(block)

block.Derivatives.Data = 2*block.ContStates.Data;


function Projection(block)

states = block.ContStates.Data;
block.ContStates.Data = states+eps; 


function SimStatusChange(block, s)
  block.Dwork(2).Data = block.Dwork(2).Data+1;    

  if s == 0
    disp('Pause in simulation.');
  elseif s == 1
    disp('Resume simulation.');
function Terminate(block)

disp(['Terminating the block with handle ' num2str(block.BlockHandle) '.']);

function operPointData = GetOperatingPoint(block)
% package the Dwork data as the entire operating point of this block
operPointData = block.Dwork(1).Data;


function SetOperatingPoint(block, operPointData)
% the operating point of this block is the Dwork data (this method 
% typically performs the inverse actions of the method GetOperatingPoint)
block.Dwork(1).Data = operPointData;
